Berserker Class Guide

berserker guide

Class guides are a rough explanation of the class, designed to give you an idea of the class and what you should be aiming for. You should really adapt the guide and follow your own instincts to match your play style!

I highly recommend looking at as many different sources as possible. The class discords are a great place to start, most have their own guides and resources as well as plenty of skilled players willing to help with questions.

The Berserker class is a melee tanky/bruiser class from the “Giant” race and one of the original 4 classes. They are a very chaotic and fun class to play with a unique play style due to their size. Berserkers can wildly stomp, grab and throw enemies with ease. Then when they are finished playing, deal some real damage. Their main weapon is duel handed axes and their secondary weapon is an ornamental knot. At level 56, Berserker unlocks their awakening weapon which is the Iron Buster (hand cannon) allowing him to bombard enemies from a distance. The greater threat of the iron buster is its utility. Not only is it able to deal massive damage, it allows this monstrous class to jump high up into the air and slam down on the ground. He can also launch off the ground using the blast of the iron buster to get anywhere he needs to be, and seeing this behemoth fall from the skies strikes fear into the hearts of even the toughest enemies.

Awakening VS Succession

Berserker Succession and Awakening can be unlocked after level 56 after speaking to the Black Spirit and completing the Awakening and Succession quests under the suggestions tab.

Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa. For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats on the awakening weapon, such as Human/Species Damage and Accuracy.

Succession is in some ways easier and more relaxing to play in PVE because it has a lower APM, and currently outperforms Awakening in PVE. For new players, I recommend starting with Succession and learning the basics of the class, then trying Awakening at a later date. In PVP, the two are more balanced and both are viable options. Awakening is generally the prefered choice just because it has higher outplay potential and performs a little better in group PVP.

Skill Builds

Since the skill point update in late 2022, you can obtain all skills for approximately 1,000 skill points. Focus on your main skills first, then level the passives. The Weight Training skill should be leveled last since it only gives you weight limit increase.

[Click to Show/Hide] Berserker Awakening Build - 1005 Skill Points

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Berserker Class Guide

[Click to Show/Hide] Berserker Succession Build - 1002 Skill Points

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Berserker Class Guide

Protected Skills

It is important to read through your skills to understand which skills have protection and crowd control effects. Read through your skills carefully to get familiar with what each skill does. You can also filter the different effects in the Skill Window (K).

Berserker Class Guide

PVE Iframe

Evasion and Shake Off are also “PVE Iframes”, which means these skills have a 1-second invincibility effect against monsters only, even if you spam the skill repeatedly.

Locked Skills

To lock a skill, press the lock icon on the top of each skill icon in the skill window (K).

These are the skills I recommend locking to help prevent messing up combos during PVP.

Hotbar Skills

These are the minimum skills I recommend putting on your hotbar.

You may also want to put more skills on your hotbar and cooldown slots to keep track of them. For more information about how to do this, check out our Edit UI and Settings Guide.


Beast Roar, Fearsome Tyrant, Flame Buster, Flow: Earth Dividing, Flow: General Disarray, Titan Syndrome, Wailing Beast, Feral Stampede/Feral Rage, Frenzied Winds/Frenzied Tyrant

Berserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class Guide


Rock Smash, Wrath of Beast, Prime: Beast Form, Prime: Lava Piercer, Prime: Predartory Hunt, Prime: Fearsome Tyrant, Beast Roar, Wailing Beast, Frenzied Tyrant/Frenzied Winds

Berserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class GuideBerserker Class Guide

Core Skills

Core skills are a way of upgrading 1 skill from your awakening skill kit.

Core skills are usually down to preference but most players choose between Ground Lifting , Giant Leap , and Titan Blow . Ground Lifting is useful since it adds Super Armor to the skill when it is off cooldown, allowing you to use it for fully protected damage. Giant Leap is good for 1v1 scenarios since you can CC as you leap, however it does shortern the distance of the jump slightly. While Titan Blow is useful because the forward guard lingers and is a protected stiffen CC. For general use, I would personally recommend Ground Lifting.

Skill Enhancement (Rabam) Skills

Skill Enhancement skills can be obtained in the Skill Window (K) under the “Skill Enhancement” tab at the top. At levels 56, 57, and 58, you will have 2 different options to choose between. These skills have no skill points cost, but you have to have other skills leveled up to be able to take them.

Level 56 – [SHIFT + X]

Both options are completely viable but most players tend to prefer Feral Stampede since it was patched during the class reworks. It has decent damage in PVE and PVP and flows into other skills nicely, but is unprotected. Feral Rage on the other hand is the “Spin Rabam” that has super armor for the duration of the skill, but it is often not used for damage in PVE.

Level 57 – [SHIFT] + [Z]

Wailing Beast is the preferred choice out of the two rabams. It is a quick heal with super armor during the entire skill.

Level 58 – [Quickslot Only]

Both of these Rabam skills are considered viable for different scenarios. I recommend going with Frenzied Tyrant to begin with and swapping to Frenzied Winds for PVP. Frenzied Winds has good damage in PVP and quick to cast, but generally not used for PVE. Frenzied Tyrants is a large AOE that gives a DP buff. It is also useful as a pulling skill in PVE, but is not useful for PVP.