After School Clubs, Inc. is committed to equal opportunity for all persons in its programs, activities, and employment policies regardless of race, color, gender, creed, religion, age, ancestry, natural origin, parental status, economic circumstances, medical status, and physical or mental abilities.
Our program was established in 1987 as a non-profit, community based child care program dedicated to providing professional care to children ages 5-12. After School Clubs, Inc. is licensed for 150 children. After School Clubs, Inc. has several programs including the Breakfast Club, the After School Club, and the Summer Club.
Our program provides a diversity of age appropriate activities for children including: arts and crafts, free play, outdoor play, organized games, cooking, science, quiet time, individual/small group/large group activities, field trips. We also utilize the businesses in the community such as the Oregon Pool and the Oregon Library among others for our walking field trips.
After School Clubs, Inc. believes in celebrating all holidays and celebrations. If there is a tradition or celebration that your family partakes in, please share it with us and your child’s ASC teacher to share in these experiences.
After School Clubs, Inc. is a state licensed center which abides by the Wisconsin Licensing Rules for Group Day Care Centers.
The information in this handbook provides general policy and procedure information applicable to After School Clubs, Inc. as a whole. Please read this handbook carefully and become familiar with our policies, procedures and schedules. You can also view our policies and daily events on our website at
Address: After School Clubs, Inc. 276 Soden Drive, Oregon WI 53575
Phone Number: 608-835-9808
After School Clubs, Inc. (ASC) is held in the cafeteria of Netherwood Knoll Elementary (NKE).
Our Tax ID number is 39-1595576.
Here are a few ideas to stay engaged with your child though ASC.
Breakfast Club: 7:00AM-7:50AM
After School Club: 2:50PM-5:45PM
Summer Club: 7:00AM-5:45PM
Non-School Days: 7:00AM-5:45PM
All ASC Programs are closed on the following scheduled days:
This schedule is subject to change with notice.
After School Clubs, Inc. is closed when the Oregon School District cancels school for inclement weather or state of emergencies. On in-service/vacation days, ASC may close due to inclement weather. Listen to a radio or call ASC when weather threatens.
Where to Find Parental Information:
After School Clubs, Inc. is committed to equal opportunity for all persons in its programs, activities, and employment policies regardless of race, color, gender, creed, religion, age, ancestry, natural origin or parental status, economic circumstances, medical status, and physical or mental abilities.
Your child’s ASC teacher(s) will send a schedule out to you once a week or at the beginning of each month. A schedule will be posted at your child’s group table as well as on our parent information board located in the back of the cafeteria. You may also view the schedules on our website at Many of our activities are arts and crafts, gross motor time, walking field trips, weekly visits to the Oregon Library on a designated bus, outside time, STEAM once a month, many opportunities for group games, and socializing while playing fun games from our toy shelves.
Join us for a nutritious breakfast and some early morning fun and games. After School Clubs, Inc. provides the Breakfast Club for those early risers who want to get a head start on the day. The Breakfast Club meets in the morning from 7:00AM to 7:50AM, Monday through Friday during the school year in the Netherwood Knoll Elementary cafeteria. A tasty breakfast is served and entertaining activities/free time is provided during this period. If your child has any special dietary restrictions, please inform the ASC management team to make healthy alternatives for your child. The Breakfast Club staff will assure that your child arrives at their school classes on time.
Please note: Children may not arrive before 7:00 A.M.
After a hard day at school, join the After School Club and unwind with a snack, games, creative projects, gross motor time, quiet time, and field trips. The After School Club is available during the school year from 2:50PM to 5:45PM, Monday through Friday in the Netherwood Knoll Elementary cafeteria.
Children who have been signed up for special classes can walk to Prairie View Elementary, Netherwood Knoll Elementary, the Oregon Pool, and the playground if they are eight years old; after signing out and checking in with their ASC teacher. If your child will return to ASC after their class an ASC staff member will be waiting at the corresponding door to let them back into the building. They are then signed back in. This way we can account for all our children.
Fun, excitement and adventure are waiting for you at the Summer Club. Join our energetic staff and fun-filled summer days from 7:00AM to 5:45PM. After School Clubs, Inc. provides free choice, gross motor time, arts and crafts, planned activities, field trips, quiet time, and outdoor fun. Special activities and field trips are planned throughout the summer.
Children are welcome to attend the Oregon School District Summer School Program at Oregon High School. After School Clubs, Inc. will contract with the OSD transportation specialist to provide bus transportation. The children will be accompanied by our summer school specialists to find their classes.
Children who have been signed up for special classes can walk to Prairie View Elementary, Netherwood Knoll Elementary, the Oregon Pool, and the playground if they are eight years old; after signing out and checking in with their ASC staff teacher. If your child will return to ASC after their class, an ASC staff member will be waiting at the corresponding door to let them back into the building. If your child is under the age of eight they will walk with our summer school specialist to and from class. Each child is signed back in when they return. This way we can account for all our children.
Bus Transportation is only provided to OHS for the OSD Summer School Program. Bus transportation will not be provided to other schools.
Children are served both a morning and afternoon snack. Children will need to bring a cold lunch and drink on these days.
Parents must inform management if their child will stay behind prior to the deadline for each field trip to ensure proper staffing is available. We ask that you ask your child if they want to attend the trip or not. Once the deadline is over we do not change what the sign-up sheet states. This causes confusion for our children, staff, and the facility we will attend for the trip. If you signed your child up for a non-school day and/or field trip and they are unable to attend, you are still obligated to pay for these additional fees. We do not change the field trip roster of attending or staying behind children from the trip after the deadline has passed. If a field trip changes due to weather, parents may call the office to find out the alternate activity.
The alternative may be a movie at a theater or other indoor activity. Children who are signed up to stay on-site will stay on-site if changes are made due to weather.