Free sat act test prep program

Taking a full-length practice test is the most effective way to practice for the real thing. Each practice test has the same type of questions you’ll see on test day. These exams are accessed through your student dashboard and are self-proctored.

If you wish to take a proctored version of the Digital PSAT ® /NMQST or SAT ® practice test, please select an exam time & date here.

If you do not have a student account, you will receive an email with login credentials. You will need to set up your account by logging into the student dashboard and changing your password.

By completing the form below, you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to access and take the SAT ® and ACT ® exams.

If taking the SAT ® , your exam will be scored automatically. If taking the ACT ® , simply download our Mobile App and login using your same student dashboard login credentials. Follow the simple steps to scanning your practice test, and boom – you have your scores!

Schedule a score review session with a test prep expert.